When is the right age to start piano lessons for my child?
This will depend on how verbal your child is and how well he or she can comprehend instruction. We recommend around age 5 or 6-- or older. If you think your child can handle instruction at an earlier age, please contact us and set up a lesson so our instructor can meet the child.
Aren't I too old to take piano or voice lessons?
No! Though instruction differs depending on age, anyone can learn, improve, and benefit from individual musical instruction.
How much practicing will I need to do every day?
This depends on a few factors: the difficulty of the assignment, your age, your level of experience. The newer you are to your instrument, we suggest practicing less. The more experienced you are, we suggest more since you are likely to be working on more difficult pieces. The duration is not as important as frequency. Studies have shown that small amounts of practicing every day yields better results than practicing large amounts infrequently. So whether it is 10 minutes or 40, doing it consistently is the important thing.